Legal Centre Lesvos in the News

Al-Jazeera, 30 May 2024, A family yearns for answers years after Turkish refugee’s torture, death

Jacobin, 28 May 2024, Stop Blaming Migrants for Deaths at Sea

The Press Project, 21 May 2024, To TPP στην Καλαμάτα: Αθώοι οι εννιά του ναυαγίου της Πύλου – Ούτε διακινητές, ούτε «παράνομοι» – «Ώρα να αναζητήσουμε τις πραγματικές ευθύνες στο Λιμενικό»

The Press Project, 21 May 2024, ThePressProject reports from Kalamata: The “Pylos 9″are innocent – Neither traffickers, nor “illegals” – “Time to look for the real responsibilities in the Coast Guard”

Al-Jazeera, 20 May 2024, Nine Egyptians to go on trial in Greece over deadly Pylos shipwreck

The Press Project, 19 May 2024, Στις 21 Μαΐου η πρώτη δίκη για το ναυάγιο της Πύλου – «Το Ελληνικό Λιμενικό με τις πράξεις του έβαψε τα χέρια των εννιά Αιγυπτίων με αίμα»

Institute of Race Relations, 21 March 2024, Calendar of Racism and Resistance (5 – 19 March 2024)

Kaosenlared, 20 March 2024, Centenares de organizaciones expresan su preocupación ante la reforma del Código de fronteras Schengen

Verfassungsblog, 15 March 2024, The Ghost of Moria: A Letter from Lesvos

International Federation for Human Rights, 15 March 2024, EU-Egypt bilateral agreement: NGOs mobilise for human rights inclusion in negotiation processes

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية), 15 March 2024, Open Letter from Egyptian and European rights organization on the new EU-Egypt joint declaration (متوفر بالعربية)

Egyptian Front for Human Rights, 15 March 2024, Belgium, Greece, Italy and the EU must prioritize human rights in the upcoming partnership with Egypt

EgyptWide, 15 March 2024, Joint letter: Belgium, Greece, Italy and the EU must prioritize human rights in the upcoming partnership with Egypt

The Shift, 13 March 2024, Free El Hiblu 3 campaign’s hopes now lie with the court’s ‘reasonableness’

Newsbook Malta, 13 March 2024, Free El Hiblu campaign hopes ‘reasonable’ court will bring justice

Syndicat des Avocats pour la Democratie, 13 March 2024, MANIFESTATION LE 20 MARS 2024, 12H30 : L’ETAT DE DROIT, J’Y CROIS ! – LES REVENDICATIONS

Antira, 12 March 2024, Free Moria6, gegen Antisemitismus, für antirassistische Feminismen

Bianet, 10 March 2024, Moria Kampı yangını davası görüldü

Al-Jazeera, 5 March 2024, Years ago a Greek refugee camp burned. Those blamed say they are innocent

Politika Lesvos, 4 March 2024, Μετά τη φωτιά στη Μόρια το 2020, το δικαστικό σκάνδαλο συνεχίζεται: “Απαιτούμε μια δίκαιη και διαφανή δίκη”

Syndicat des Avocats pour la Democratie, 19 February 2024, RAPPORT DE MISSION D’OBSERVATION EN TURQUIE – NOVEMBRE 2023

Radio Helsinki, 12 January 2024, What’s going on with the Vastria camp on Lesbos?: A look at the past and the possible futures of migrant detention in Greece

T24, 14 December 2023, Kuryenin intihar ettiği yalanını kim uydurdu?, 14 December 2023, Yunanistan ziyaretinde işkence ile öldürülen Büyüksu da konuşuldu mu?

Efsyn, 12 December 2023, «Η ΕΥΠ δαιμονοποιεί πρόσφυγες και οργανώσεις»

The New Humanitarian, 4 December 2023, ‘This is inexcusable’: What’s behind deteriorating conditions in Greek island asylum camps?

El Pais, 1 December 2023, ¿Quién torturó hasta la muerte a Baris Büyüksu?


Gerçek Gündem, 17 November 2023, Yunanistan ve Türkiye bürokrasisi arasında sıkışan cinayet: Barış Büyüksu’nun dosyası buhar oldu, katili ortada yok!

VoA – Türkiye, 16 November 2023, Yunanistan’da işkence yüzünden öldüğü iddia edilen Barış Büyüksu’nun soruşturma dosyası nerede?

Yeni Yaşam Gazetesi, 3 November 2023, Sınırda işkenceyle katledilen Büyüksu’nun dosyası kayıp!

Gazete Duvar, 3 November 2023, İki devlet bürokrasisi arasında kaybolan işkence: Barış Büyüksu dosyası nerede?

Cumhuriyet, 3 November 2023, Yunanistan’da işkence görerek yaşamını yitiren Büyüksu için adalet çağrısı

İz Gazetesi, 3 November 2023, Yunanistan’daki işkence sonucu ölmüştü, dosyası 1 yıldır kayıp | Türk ve Yunan yetkililere adalet çağrısı

Pirha, 3 November 2023, İşkence ile katledilen Barış Büyuksu dosyası Yunanistan ve Türkiye bürokrasisi çıkmazında!-VİDEO

Evrensel, 3 November 2023, “İşkence ile katledilen Barış Büyüksu dosyası nerede?”

Bianet, 3 November 2023, Yunanistan’dan “etkin soruşturma” talebi

Bianet, 3 November 2023, Request for ‘effective investigation’ from Greece

Info Migrants, 4 October 2023, Dans le camp de Mavrovouni, à Lesbos, “l’accès au soin est le point le plus critique”

ZDF, Frontal, 19 September 2023, Flucht übers Mittelmeer, Wie Europas Migrationspolitik scheitert


Cem TV, 14 September 2023, Not Defteri | Barış Büyüksu’nun Katledilmesi ve Batı’nın Göç Konusundaki İki Yüzlülüğü!

Gazete Duvar, 9 September 2023, Yunanistan’a sığınan Ceren Züleyha Aybay’a işkence ve taciz

Een Vandaag, 5 September 2023, In hoeverre is Frontex verantwoordelijk voor illegaal terugsturen van migranten? Europese rechter doet belangrijke uitspraak over ‘pushbacks’

ARA, 19 August 2023, Lesbos, quilòmetre zero de la vulneració dels drets dels migrants a Europa

EU Observer, 4 July 2023, Depriving migrants of food is policy in an EU member state — Greece

De Standaard, 30 June 2023, Grieks wanonderzoek naar bootramp is al een klassieker

L’Humanite, 20 June 2023, Naufrage en Grèce, Le brouillard s’épaissit sur les circonstances du drame.

Oxford Law Blog, 12 June 2023, Criminalising the Facilitation of Freedom of Movement: Introduction

Η Εφημεριδα Των Συντακτων, 6 June 2023, Κοινή δήλωση στήριξης του Π. Δημητρά από 25 οργανώσεις

Balcani Caucaso, 6 June 2023, In Europa nascono reti di avvocati per difendere i migranti

The Press Project, 3 June 2023, Οργανώσεις Δικαιωμάτων: «Να σταματήσουν οι διώξεις όσων ατόμων και οργανώσεων λειτουργούν στο πλαίσιο του ρόλου τους ως υπερασπιστές/στριες των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου»

Institute of Race Relations, 25 May 2023, Calendar of Racism and Resistance (9 – 23 May 2023)

Internazionale, 23 May 2023, In Europa nascono reti di avvocati per difendere i migranti 

El Salto, 23 May 2023, Publicada la prueba concluyente de la política de expulsiones colectivas en Grecia

Forn de Teatre Pa’tothom, 19 May 2023, MENCIÓ D’HONOR FREDERIC RODA A PA’TOTHOM

Vox Europe, 10 May 2023, Defending refugees in Europe – mission impossible for their lawyers?

OmniaTV, 7 May 2023, Η υπόθεση του Αλί Μπ. και η βιομηχανία κατασκευής «διακινητών» από το Λιμενικό

3CR Radical Radio, 27 April 2023, Solidarity Across the Global Supply Chain, ‘We Eatin’ Good’ with Matisse Laida, Australia’s Refugee Policies’ International Influence, Voice Discussion Impacts on First Nations People

Melting Pot Europa, 12 April 2023, Isola di Lesbo – L’assistenza legale ai migranti tra commando armati e respingimenti illegali

Racist Violence Monitoring Network, 6 April 2023, Presentation of the Annual Report for 2022

Oxford Law Blogs, 6 April 2023, A Change in the Criminalisation of Asylum Seekers?

Melting Pot Europa, 30 March 2023, Il processo dei “Moria 6” rinviato di un anno: così la Grecia nega la giustizia

GercekNews, 29 March 2023, Interview: Deadly migrant practices in Greece

ArtiGercek, 27 March 2023, Yunanistan göçmenleri ‘geri itmek’ için ‘paramiliter’ yapı oluşturdu

Alevilerin Sesi, 23 Mart 2023, AB – Türkiye Mutabakatı’nın 7. Yılına Dair Ortak Açıklama

Institute of Race Relations, 16 March 2023, Calendar of Racism and Resistance (28 February – 14 March 2023)

Secolo d’Italia, 13 March 2023, Chi è Alarm Phone, l’Ong creata da una rete di Ong che accusa l’Italia e strumentalizza i naufragi

SeaWatch Legal Aid, 13 March 2023, Kampf gegen die Inhaftierung von asylsuchenden Minderjährigen in Griechenland

InfoMigrants, 7 March 2023, “Ils espèrent que ce procès sera juste” : quatre Afghans jugés en appel pour l’incendie du camp de Moria

The Guardian, 6 March 2023, New doubt thrown on Moria arson convictions on eve of appeal hearing

Antidote Zine, 28 February 2023, Free the Moria 6!, 29 January 2023, Dalgaların içindeki hapishane

Syre, 19 January 2023, 200 människor skickades tillbaka men Grekland nekar

Middle East Eye, 16 January 2023, Greek court drops charges against human rights activists who saved refugees at sea

Canakkale Biennale, 16 December 2022, Drift-backs in the Aegean Sea, 2022

The Guardian, 10 December 2022, Afghan refugee freed in Greece after two years of wrongful imprisonment

Le Monde, 9 December 2022, Sur l’île grecque de Lesbos, deux réfugiés afghans accusés d’être des passeurs libérés, sur fond de criminalisation des migrants

Xarxarnet, 11 November 2022, Migrants abandoned at sea are proof of the violation of human rights

Kommunisten, 26 October 2022, Gewalt und Entrechtung an den EU-Außengrenzen eskalieren

Xarxarnet, 20 October 2022, El pitjor moment de la crisi migratòria al Mediterrani és quan el focus mediàtic ha marxat

Muurileht, 11 October 2022, KAS SEE ONGI EUROOPALIK EMPAATIA?

El9Nou, 7 October 2022, Estudiants de Granollers parlen amb dos activistes pels Drets Humans

Alacarta, 6 October 2022, Visita de defensores dels Drets Humans

Balkan Hotspot, 5 October 2022, Pushbacks and Rights Violations at Europe’s Borders: the Case of Greece

Medico International, 22 September 2022, Einen Schritt vor den nächsten setzen: Rechtsberatung für Geflüchtete und Engagement gegen die Kriminalisierung

The New Arab, 11 August 2022, How anti-black racism pervades Europe’s asylum systems

De Standard, 29 July 2022, ‘Brussel mijdt Frontex-schandaal door rapport niet te lezen’

The New Arab, 20 July 2022, How the ECtHR is eroding migrants’ fundamental rights

ETHNOS, 15 July 2022, Έρευνα Forensic Architecture: Πάνω από 1.000 επαναπροωθήσεις στο Αιγαίο σε 2 χρόνια – «Ξυλοδαρμοί, κλοπές ακόμα και ρίψη στη θάλασσα με χειροπέδες»

Foljeton, 27 June 2022, Flydende Humanitaere Graenser 

Al Jazeera, 26 June 2022, The refugees cast adrift in the mediterranean

InfoMigrants, 8 June 2022, Greece reduces sentence for Afghan minors involved in Moria fire

Greek City Time, 7 June 2022, Afghani teenagers sent to prison over migrant centre fires on Lesvos

AFP, 7 June 2022, Greece jails Afghan teenagers for refugee camp fire

Huffington Post, 7 June 2022, Λέσβος: Τέσσερα χρόνια κάθειρξη σε δύο ανήλικους για τη φωτιά στη Μόρια

Le Soir, 5 mai 2022, Frontex est la pièce maîtresse d’un système anti-migrants en Grèce

Il Fatto Quotidiano, 29 April 2022, Migranti, si è dimesso il direttore di Frontex Fabrice Leggeri: su di lui un’indagine dell’ufficio europeo anti-frode

The Guardian, 21 April 2022, ‘A disaster waiting to happen’: who was really responsible for the fire at Moria refugee camp?

Le Monde, 17 avril 2022, Aux frontières grecques, les réfugiés continuent d’être refoulés 

Info Migrants, 14 avril 2022, La Grèce emprisonne des milliers de migrants “pour en dissuader d’autres de venir” 

Melting Pot Europa, 14 April 2022, Isola di Lesbo – L’assistenza legale ai migranti tra commando armati e respingimenti illegali

Info Migrants, 7 avril 2022, “On fait ça et en échange la police nous donnera des papiers” : dans l’Evros, la police grecque se sert des exilés pour refouler d’autres migrants

Voci Globale, 4 April, 2022, Migranti criminalizzati: cercano protezione ma finiscono in carcere

Marianne, 26 March 2022, Arrivée de migrants en Grèce : entre renvois illégaux et procès expéditifs

TRT World, 22 February 2022, Greece’s deadly pushback tactics, explained

The Guardian, 17 February 2022, ‘It’s an atrocity against humankind’: Greek pushback blamed for double drowning

BR24, 17 February 2022, Grenzschützer sollen Flüchtlinge in die Ägäis geworfen haben

Politica, 17 February 2022, Κατηγορίες κατά της Ελλάδας για πνιγμούς σε επαναπροώθηση προσφύγων

Directa, 14 February 2022, Devolucions en calent sistemàtiques a Grècia

Al Jazeera, 4 February, 2022, Lawlessness at the border mars Greece’s reputation over migration

Middle East Monitor, 2 February 2022, Renewed scrutiny on Europe’s border push backs following death of 19 refugees in Turkey

European Council on Refugees and Exiles, 28 January 2022, ECRE: Pushbacks by Sea to Go Before ECtHR

Politica, 10 January 2022, Νέα άφιξη βάρκας με 25 άτομα από το Αφγανιστάν στα Τσόνια

New York Times, 5 December 2021, What Happened on the Pope’s Trip to Greece?

The Washington Mail, 5 December 2021, Pope in Greece: Francis Chastises West on Visit to Lesbos Migrant Camp

De Standaard, 4 December 2021, ‘Paus zal in halfuur niet realiteit van Lesbos zien’

Society Magazine #169, 18 November 2021, Les six de Lesbos

Info Migrants, 9 September 2021, A Lesbos un an après l’incendie de Moria, les migrants ont perdu l’espoir d’un accueil “plus humain

The Guardian, 26 August 2021, Greece will not be the gateway to Europe for Afghans fleeing Taliban say officials

El Nacional, 18 August 2021, Cooperants avisen que la UE “no ha après la lliçó” d’altres crisis migratòries avisen UE no apres llico crisis migratories

Christian Peacemaker Teams, 21 July 2021, Pushbacks in Griekse wateren: Waar ligt de grens, Europa?

Radio 3, 4 July 2021, Podcast “Mediterraneo”, Refugio. Islas como jaulas

New York Times, 25 June 2021, He Saved 31 People at Sea. Then Got a 142-Year Prison Sentence

ROAR magazine, 19 June 2021, It is time to end illegal pushbacks and abolish Frontex

Press Project, 14 June 2021, Οι «έξι της Μόριας»: Βαριές καταδίκες κατά εφήβων προσφύγων που μοιάζουν προαποφασισμένες

Le Monde, 13 June 2021, Quatre Afghans condamnés à dix ans de prison pour l’incendie du camp de Moria à Lesbos

Christian Peacemaker Teams, 13 June 2021, Moria 6 sentenced to 10 years imprisonment after fire in Moria camp

ARTE, 6 June 2021, Lesbos : la vie après Moria

TV2, Norway, 21 May 2021, Saksøker Hellas for å tvinge flyktninger bort med makt

La Vanguardia, 6 May 2021, Grecia encarna la mano dura de Europa en la migración en el Mediterráneo

Diari ARA, 1 May 2021, “Guardacostes grecs ens van apallissar i ens van abandonar al mar”

ECRE, 30 April 2021, Greece: Scandalous Sentence for Young Refugee, Request to Commission, Legal Action Before ECtHR and Ombudsman Report on Pushbacks

The Press Project, 27 April 2021, «Απόλυτη ατιμωρησία για φρικαλέα εγκλήματα»: Στον διεθνή Τύπο η προσφυγή κατά του ελληνικού κράτους για παράνομες επαναπροωθήσεις

Greek City Times, 27 April 2021, NGO files suit against Greece at EU Court for ‘Massive Pushback Operation’

Greek Reporter, 27 April 2021, Greece Accused of Pushing Back Migrants, Refugees at Sea

Anadolu Agency, 27 April 2021, Legal Center Lesvos files complaint against Greece

BBC Turkey, 27 April 2021, Yunanistan’a göçmenleri geri itme, dayak ve işkence suçlaması AİHM’e taşındı

Jurist, 27 April 2021, Greece facing lawsuit for pushback of more than 180 migrants

Christian Peacemaker Teams – Aegean Migrant Solidarity, 26 April 2021, Scandalous sentencing of Syrian refugee on Lesvos: Trial observers strongly criticise the criminalisation of migration

The Guardian, 26 April 2021, Greece accused of “shocking” illegal pushback against refugees at sea

ReliefWeb, 26 April 2021, New case filed against Greece in European Court for massive pushback operation of over 180 migrants caught in storm near Crete

The National Herald, 26 April 2021, NGO Sues Greece in EU Court for Alleged Refugee Sea Pushbacks

Arab News, 26 April 2021, Greece accused of violent pushback campaign against Aegean crossings

Swiss Info, 26 April 2021, Demandan a Grecia ante el TEDH por expulsión ilegal de migrantes

TRT, 26 April 2021, Greece faces lawsuit at ECHR over illegal migrant pushbacks

el Diario, 26 April 2021, Grecia, denunciada ante el Tribunal de Derechos Humanos por el maltrato a migrantes abandonados a su suerte en el mar

EJIL:Talk!, 14 April 2021, “Pushbacks” as Euphemism

Al Jazeera English, 14 April 2021, Refugee pushbacks: Greece prepares to indict whistleblowers

The New Arab, 13 April 2021, The case against Frontex: Taking the EU’s border agency to court

Fons Català, 26 March 2021, 5 anys del pacte migratori entre la Unió Europea i Turquia per frenar l’entrada de migrants a Grècia

Diari de Barcelona, 22 March 2021, Cinc anys de l’acord UE-Turquia sota l’ombra de les devolucions il·legals

efsyn, 19 March 2021, Αποφάσεις-ράπισμα για τον κ. Μηταράκη

Solomon, 5 March 2021, A fire in tent 959

CIVICUS, 4 March 2021 (English, Spanish, French), MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS: ‘Europe instrumentalises human suffering to deter migration’

Le Monde, 3 March 2021, Un rapport d’enquête interne peu concluant sur le rôle de Frontex dans des refoulements illégaux de migrants

The Guardian, 26 February 2021, Woman who set herself on fire in Lesbos refugee camp charged with arson

Statewatch, 23 February 2021, EU: Legal actions pile up against Frontex for involvement in rights violations

Istanbul Law Review, 16 February 2021, On the Refugee Crisis Discourse: A Critical Analysis Sitting in the Junction of International Criminal Law and International Refugee Law

Independent, 16 February 2021, Lawyers give EU agency notice over Greece migrant pushbacks

Il Fatto Quotidiano, 15 February 2021, Frontex sospenda le operazioni in Grecia: ha violato diritto Ue partecipando a respingimenti

Libération, 15 February 2021, Une plainte contre Frontex pourrait faire son chemin jusqu’aux tribunaux européns

efsyn, 15 February 2021, Εξώδικο στη Frontex για άμεσο τερματισμό της δραστηριότητάς της στο Αιγαίο

avgi, 15 February 2021, Εξώδικο στη Frontex για να φύγει από το Αιγαίο

Spiegel, 15 February 2021, Rechtsanwälte wollen Frontex-Chef Leggeri vor Gericht bringen

The Left in the European Parliament, 15 February 2021, Legal action against Frontex welcomed by left MEPs

Statewatch, 5 February 2021, Greece accused of committing crimes against humanity at its borders

Libération, 5 February 2021, En Grèce, des actions anti-réfugiés dans le sillage de Frontex

RTVE, 11 November 2020, La Jaula de Lesbos

Tercera Via Mexico, 28 October 2020, Incendios en Lesbos: Migraciones, violencias y racismos en las fronteras de Europa

El Diario 16, 29 October 2020, El nuevo Pacto Sobre Migraciones y Asilo y la tragedia del Mediterráneo

Just Security 26 October 2020, Torture by Rescue: Asylum-Seeker Pushbacks in the Aegean

Al Jazeera, 24 October 2020, A Refugee’s Tale

El Salto, 11 October 2020, La espera de la (des)esperanza

Human Rights Watch, 6 October 2020, Greece: Investigate Pushbacks, Violence at Borders

El Diario, 2 October 2020, Grecia devuelve en caliente de forma sistemática a solicitantes de asilo por mar: “Es una catástrofe para los derechos humanos”

EFSYN, 27 September 2020, Νέα ανατριχιαστική μαρτυρία επαναπροώθησης στο Αιγαίο/New creepy testimony of repatriation in the Aegean

The Guardian, 27 September 2020, ‘Catastrophe for human rights’ as Greece steps up refugee ‘pushbacks’

Deutchlandfunk, 12 September 2020, Fire in Moria Refugee camp

Ara Cat International, 16 September 2020, El govern grec intenta tancar els refugiats de Mória en un nou camp a Lesbos

The Nation, 15 September 2020, Refugees Face Fire and Terror in Greece

The Canary, 11 September 2020, Moria refugee camp has burned to the ground. Never forget the UK’s role in creating this tragedy.

National Public Radio, 10 September 2020, Fires Leave Thousands Of Asylum-Seekers On Greek Island Homeless, Fire At Refugee Camp In Greece Was A Disaster Waiting To Happen

TPI Italia, 10 September 2020, “Il campo di Moria era un inferno: ora che è bruciato i migranti hanno perso anche quello”

Morning Star, 9 September 2020, Thousands left homeless as Moria camp on Greek island of Lesbos destroyed in fire

National Public Radio, 9 September 2020, Fires Gut Europe’s Largest Migrant Camp On The Greek Island Of Lesbos

France 24, 30 August 2020, Spirit of 2015 a distant memory in Lesbos/ Lesbos, solidaria en 2015, está harta de ser “la isla de los refugiados”

EFSYN, 16 July 2020, Εγκληματικές μέθοδοι επαναπροωθήσεων στο Αιγαίο/Criminal methods of deportation in the Aegean

Info Libre, 14 July 2020, Καταγγελίες με μαρτυρίες και στοιχεία για παράνομες απελάσεις μεταναστών-προσφύγων από τις ελληνικές αρχές

InfoMigrants, 15 July 2020, Legal NGO documents collective expulsions by Greek authorities in Aegean

The Guardian, 27 May 2020, Greece ready to welcome tourists as refugees stay locked down in Lesvos

Morning Star, 7 April 2020, Greece hides human rights abuses under the cover of coronavirus

NPR, 5 April 2020, In World’s Overcrowded Refugee Camps, Proper Hygiene, Isolation Are Impossible’

The Guardian, 5 April 2020, ‘How my dream of freedom died in Greece’s holding pens

Deuchlandfunk, 12th march 2020, Warum die Zustände trotz EU-Hilfen katastrophal sind

Quest France, 18 February 2020, REPORTAGE. À Lesbos, ces migrants qu’on ne saurait voir

Basta, 3 March 2020, Réfugiés en Grèce : l’île de Lesbos au bord de l’explosion

France 24, 11 February 2020, Moria, el infame campo de refugiados a las puertas de Europa

El Periodico, 9 February 2020, Grecia Cierra las puertas

Arte, 31 January 2020, Plongée dans l’enfer de Moria

EFE, 10 January 2020, Moria: El horror que Europa esconde 

El Pais, 26 November 2019, Atrapados en Moria

A Reader for a World without Walls, 9 November 2019, Build Resistance Not Walls

Melting Pot Europa, 10 November 2019, Violazioni dei diritti e resistenza a Lesvos Ottobre 2019

Independent, 21 October 2019, Erdogan is using refugees as blackmail to avoid accusations of invading Syria-The EU-Turkey deal must end now

AYS daily Digest, 27 September 2019, AYS Daily Digest 26/9/19: Lebanese authorities call (again) for the return of Syrian displaced people/Updates from Greek Camps

Pressenza International Press Agency, 4 September 2019, Legal Centre Lesvos denounces the Greek governments proposed changes to the Asylum procedure

State Watch, 11 May 2019, Peaceful demonstration and the human right to freedom of assembly prevails

Kontakt, 29 April 2019, Polityka migracyjna na słowo honoru. Trzy lata porozumienia Turcja-UE

Syre, 15 March 2019, Fast på Lesbos: ”Alla lider på ön”

Η Αυγη, 16 March 2019Ανοιχτή επιστολή στους ηγέτες της Ε.Ε. από 25 ανθρωπιστικές οργανώσεις

4 March 2019, Campos de concentración en la UE, Noticias de Gipuzkoa

Bildnachweis, 28 February 2019, Flüchtlinge im Camp Moria

BR DE, 28 February 2019, Unterwegs auf Lesbos – einer Insel, die wir nicht vergessen dürfen

Open Migration, 3 January 2019, Neppure l’inverno ferma gli arrivi nel campo di Moria

Qantara, 17 December 2018, “Moria 35” – Filmvorführung und Diskussion mit dem Regisseur Fridoon Joinda

CTXT, 24 November 2018, Excluidas: migrantes, gitanas, trans…

CTXT, 8 November 2018, Oponer resistencia al heteropatriarcado supremacista blanco cuestionando las políticas migratorias de la UE

CTXT, 6 November 2018, No podemos hablar de igualdad si dejamos fuera de nuestra lucha a las personas oprimidas

iefimerida, 19 September 2018, Πού πήγε η ευαισθησία του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ; -19 ΜΚΟ καταγγέλλουν για τη Μόρια

Al Jazeera, 23 April 2018, Far-right attacks increase tension in Greece’s Lesvos

Mondiaal Nieuws, 20 April 2018, Proces tegen de Moria 35 gaat van start: Afrekening op de Griekse eilanden

ECRE, 20 April 2018, Moria 35 – Trial at the Gates of Fortress Europe

Bastamag, 20 April 2018, Poursuites-bâillons contre 35 réfugiés de Lesvos, le camp insalubre qui déshonore la Grèce et l’Europe, 20 April 2018, Ouverture du procès des “Moria 35” : des migrants de Lesvos face à la justice grecque

El Magazin de La Veu, 19 April 2018, Secció ENS MOVEM: Parlem amb Maya Thomas-Davis (Legal Center Lesbos) sobre els 35 de Moria, 8 March 2018, Vluchtelingen op Griekse eilanden zinken weg in uitzichtloosheid, 15 January 2018, On Lesvos, police violence crushes refugees’ peaceful resistance: justice for the Moria 35

Flyktingsituationen desperat på Lesvos inför vintern, Sveriges Radio, 20 December, 2017 (Swedish).

Cadena Ser, 27 November 2017, beginning at minute 38 (Español), Hoy por Hoy

Bastamag, 16 October 2017, Retenus dans des conditions indignes, les migrants veulent “dire au monde” ce que l’Europe leur fait subir à Lesvos

Socialist Lawyer, No. 77 (October 2017), JUSTICE FOR THE MORIA 35

The Intercept, 9 August 2017, Refugees Seeking Asylum in Europe Are Instead Arrested and Beaten by Police in Lesvos

el Periodico, 2 August 2017, Huelga de hambre en Lesvos

Morning Star, 22 July 2017, Greece: Refugees Detained And Brutally Beaten In Lesvos

Are You Syrious, 21 July 2017, Preliminary Hearings for the Moria 35

Human Rights Watch, 12 July 2017, EU/Greece: Asylum Seekers’ Silent Mental Health Crisis

HarekAct, Valeria Hänsel, 12 July 2017, “Free us or be responsible for our deaths”

Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht & Migration, Valeria Hänsel, 7 July 2017 (German), Die Folgen des EU-Türkei-Abkommens

Directa, Joan Mas, 27 June 2017 (Catalá), Lesvos: quan les refugiades resisteixen o perden l’esperança

OneWorld, Dora Rovers, 1 May 2017 (Dutch), Hongerstakers kamp Moria beëindigen hun actie

OneWorld, Dora Rovers, 24 April 2017 (Dutch), Vluchtelingen kamp Moria in hongerstaking

El Confidencial, Javier Julio, 13 February 2017 (Spanish), Moria, la ‘prisión al aire libre’ donde están muriendo refugiados

El Diario Vasco, Beatriz Campuzano & Maialen Mangas, 5 February 2017 (Spanish), Refugiados en la cara más oscura de Europa

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Are You Syrious!, 22 September 2016, AYS Digest 22/09: 2016 will be the deadliest year on record in the Mediterranean Sea – Mayday!, 1 September 2016 (english translation available here), Mosaik Support Center: A Mosaic of Personalities in the Heart of the City

Socialist Lawyer, No. 73 (June 2016), Human rights and solidarity in action