Torture and Murder in the Aegean: Barış Büyüksu’s Case

Barış Büyüksu, who was a citizen of the Republic of Türkiye, was found unconscious in a life raft by the Turkish Coast Guard together with 15 Palestinian migrants on the shores of Bodrum on 22 October 2022 and subsequently lost his life while he was waiting for an ambulance for emergency medical assistance.

Testimonies taken from the 15 survivors indicate that Greek authorities tortured Barış on Kos island by severely beating and electrocuting him, before forcibly expelling him from Greece together with the 15 Palestinians in a pushback operation. 

The Forensic Medicine Report prepared within the scope of an investigation conducted in Turkey also confirms the witness statements, stating that Barış’s death was due to general somatic trauma due to rib fractures and widespread bleeding due to internal soft tissue bleeding”.

After the death of Barış Büyüksu, the family applied to the Progressive Lawyers Association (Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği) for legal aid in February 2023 in pursuit of justice. To continue the judicial processes in Türkiye and in Greece in parallel, the legal representation of the family has been jointly undertaken by the Progressive Lawyers Association and the Legal Centre Lesvos.

06/03/2025Press Release: Greece’s Delayed Disclosure Of An Inadequate And Ineffective Investigation
30/05/2024Al Jazeera, A family yearns for answers years after Turkish refugee’s torture, death
12/12/2023Informative Update On The Case Of Baris Buyuksu
12/12/2023Efsyn, Η ΕΥΠ δαιμονοποιεί πρόσφυγες και οργανώσεις
01/12/2023El Pais, ¿Quién torturó hasta la muerte a Baris Büyüksu?
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Barış Büyüksu’nun dosyası buhar oldu, katili ortada yok!
07/11/2023Press Release: Where is the File of Barış Büyüksu?